If your work falls under the EPSRC and HEC-WSI areas, you are eligible to apply for ARCHER2 computing resources. Please refer to the HEC-WSI access modes to ensure you apply through the appropriate mode.
Note: ARCHER2 computing resources are granted on a fixed 6-month basis (January-June and July-December). Any resources allocated but not used within the assigned period will be forfeited.

Application Process
To maximize resource usage and enhance support for research efforts, we offer 3 application types:
- Open Allocation: open for new HEC-WSI users who want to use ARCHER2 resources for wave-structure-interaction (WSI) studies.
- Project Extension: for existing sub-project users to continue their research into the next period.
- Peak Call: provides a quick-review process and a peak-usage opportunity towards the end of each 6-month period.
Application Forms
Peak Call
The remaining resources 10,000 CUs are released for Nov – Dec 2024
Application form | Peak Call Form |
Closing date | 31 Dec ’24 |
Notes | Up to 2-month peak project for short-period peak usage |
Description: This is to release the remaining resources for short-period, peak usage:
- Application window: Application only opens for the last 2 months of each half-year period (every May-Jun and Nov-Dec).
- Resource allocation: Granted on a first-come, first-served basis, based on remaining resources.
- Review process: Results will be released within 1-2 weeks. Resources are immediately available upon approval.
- Requirement: Applicants must demonstrate their capability to utilize the applied resources within the timeframe in the Application form – usage plan profile section.
- Priority: Peak requests; quick review. Excess applications can choose to be on the waiting list, the management team will make contact when any resources are available within the opening time window.
Open Allocation
Currently Application are available for period:
- 01/01 – 30/06 2025
- 01/07 – 31/12 2025 if also apply for the previous period
Open Allocation | Notes | Application form |
Porting & Benchmarking (PB) | A 6-month project with a small allocation for testing scalability | PB Form |
Code Development (CD) | A 6-month project with a small allocation for improving software performance | CD Form |
Project Access (PA) | A 6-month project with a large allocation for project runs | PA Form |
ECR | A 6-month project dedicated allocation for early career researchers (ECRs) including training and support | ECR Form |
- Application window: Always open.
- Review process: Result will be released within 1 month. For more detailed review process please visit Application advice
- Requirement: Application should follow each 6-month period usage (January-June and July-December). For projects spanning more than one period, separate applications are required. Suitable for large planned usage.
Project Extension Form
Application form | Project Extension Form |
Notes | Currently open for the period 01/01/2025-30/06/2025 and 01/07-31/12/2025 |
Description: This application form is for users with existing sub-project to apply for an extended usage period.
For additional guidance, please visit the Application Advice pages and/or the FAQ section.
The HEC-WSI Support Team are also available to offer advice and assistance to any prospective users and can offer guidance as to what is the best route of access as well as provide assistance with completing the access application form(s).