You are applying for ARCHER2 access via the HEC-WSI Peak Call application, which only opens for the last 2 months of each half-year period (The application is now open for the usage during Nov-Dec 2024). The remaining resources 18,000 CUs are released and will be allocated based on a first-come, first-served rule. If this is not appropriate for your proposal, please return to the Access Modes page for alternative access modes. If you have any questions/feedback please contact the HEC-WSI Support Team via the Contact form

* indicates required fields.

Peak Call Application Form

Applicant Details

Use of the ARCHER2 service, by nationals of certain countries, is controlled by special regulations laid down by the UK Government in connection with the Wassenaar Arrangement and we are legally obliged to confirm the nationality of applicants seeking to access the resource. You will be required to verify your nationality before your application can be approved.
Existing ARCHER2 user?

Research Details (Case for Support)

Max. 125 words – suitable for general audience. If your application is approved, this description will be placed on the HEC-WSI website.
0 of 125 max words
Max. 400 words – scientific case plus technical case, e.g. scientific problem being addressed and a justification for the compute/storage resources requested, incl. how using the computational facilities will benefit your research and why you feel the ARCHER2 system is particularly suitable
0 of 400 max words

Technical Details and Requirements

What are the main codes you will be using? Please provide links to codes/software not presently available on ARCHER2. Click here for a list of available research software on ARCHER2.
e.g. compilers, libraries, tools - Please provide links to codes/software not presently available on ARCHER2. If you do not have any additional software requirements, or if you do not know your requirements, please specify 'no software requirements', or 'software requirements unknown' respectively. Click here for a list of available software libraries on ARCHER2
Do you require support from the ARCHER 2 CSE service, or HEC-WSI Support Team to port and optimize your code on ARCHER2? If yes, please briefly describe the support required. Please also summarise any other support requirements for this project. If you do not have any additional support requirements please specify 'no support requirements'
Please give details on your expected usage of the system e.g. size and length of your proposed jobs and number of nodes concurrently utilised, total number of jobs etc. Please use the online CU Calculator to estimate the total number of CUs required). The granted resource depends on the remainding CUs. NOTE: there are 128 cores per node on ARCHER2
Please clarify the expected usage profile of the required nodes on a month-by-month basis over the six-month period. For example: Applied period: 01/01-30/06, 2025; Usage Profile: 01/11-30/11, 1000 CUs; 01/12-31/12, 2000 CUs. The management team will take a half-period usage monitor based on this expected usage profile.
Please give details of the data management and transfer requirements, incl. an estimate of the number of files typically produced by each job, the amount of data read and produced by each job and the total amount of disk required. Please also detail the amount and how/where you plan to transfer the data from the ARCHER2 service

Join the waiting list if resources are fully assigned

The applicants will be contacted if resources become available within the opening time window

Additional Users
